Who buys “golden passports” of Cyprus?

Al Jazeera media report series based on classified Cyprus government documents revealed that the island country facilitates “easily corrupted” foreign politicians to buy EU’s citizenship. Recent trends show that many Vietnamese officials seek a safe way out with a passport…
Adopting Prisoners of Conscience – practical work!

Recently, US Representative Alan Lowenthal, representative of District 47, California, shared at a seminar on human rights in Vietnam that he was implementing the procedure to officially adopt young prisoner of conscience Nguyen Van Hoa. “I am very impressed with…
Decoding a communication phenomenon

The problem to decipher here is what is behind VTV1’s decision to show the movie about the war of China’s invasion on February 17, 1979, at the golden hour of VTV1? Is this the “pivot” of the Communist Party of…
Interest group ignores Bui Quang Tin’s death

Today, August 9, the Nhan Dan newspaper said, on August 8, the Investigation Police Agency of Ho Chi Minh City’s Police Department made a decision not to prosecute the criminal case related to the death of Dr., lawyer Bui Quang…
Vietnamese dragon suffered from systemic corruption

At least for the past eight years, the fight against corruption in Vietnam has hardly been much solved, according to economist Bui Kien Thanh from Vietnam. The economic and financial expert, who was also an adviser of the Vietnamese government…