Vietnamese Propaganda chief’s speaking inspires gossip on social networks

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Vo Van Thuong speaking at scientific conferences Party Propaganda Department – 90 years of glorious journey, on July 15

Recently, the guiding comments of the General Secretary and the Head of Propaganda Department have easily become the inspiration for the comments of Vietnamese intellectuals on social networks as well as the independent media.

Mr. Vo Van Thuong gives a speech at the scientific conference of Party propaganda – 90 years of glorious journey, July 15

Vo Van Thuong’s statement that “further clarifying the theory of socialism and the path to socialism in our country” has made many people suffer and when the whole country followed the road which is not really clear and even General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong has to say about “By the end of this century, has there been no complete socialism in Vietnam?

Following for nearly a century on the road ‘not clear’ proving to be a herd of stupid. I am living with fools, I am a coward. It really hurts! ” Dong Huu Phap lawyer said so on his personal Facebook on July 16, also in this mood.

The guiding ideologies for the Communist Party members are shaken when the Vietnamese press is paving the way for a close relationship with the US at the same time with serious chaps with China for the sake of the national interests in the East S (South China Sea)t, although China is Vietnamese communists’ biggest fulcrum.

Specific actions in the South China Sea together with a strong statement affirming the US position in the East Sea have given Vietnam a new base and the Vietnamese press has simultaneously raised their views with an unacceptable attitude of China toward Vietnam, especially Repsol’s departure which has caused the national interest to immediately lose billions of dollars, according to a recent article on BBC News Vietnamese.

Despite the perseverance of the socialism path, propaganda leaders should pay attention to the saying of the late British Prime Minister Winston Churchill: “In this world, there is no permanent ally or permanent enemy, only national interests are permanent.”

The Vietnamese Communist Party’s propaganda machine recently on July 15, 2020, coordinated with the Central Committee of Theoretical Council of the Communist Party of Vietnam to hold a seminar marking the 90th anniversary of its “glorious journey,” in which senior communist leaders summarized the achievements after nearly 35 years of renewing propaganda.

On this occasion, some Vietnamese political and observers, and analysts shared with BBC News Vietnamese their views on the Communist Party’s propaganda in Vietnam, through the event.

Dr. Nguyen Quang A: It has succeeded in framing the minds of many Vietnamese to believe in the party’s line, but it is propaganda art, not science at all. The manipulation of thinking, framing speech is indeed a trick of many dictatorships and not without results (remember only propaganda rhetoric in Germany during World War II 100 years ago, or much more subtle seems to be much more “scientific” by Wang Zhenning nowadays in China to see that it is not the Vietnamese communists’ exclusive finger.

Former Lieutenant Colonel of the People’s Army of Vietnam Nguyen Nguyen Binh (writer and researcher on China): Saying that over the years, the work of the Propaganda has formed a system of theoretical views on socialism, which immediately many high-ranking government officials still have questions.

Specifically, in an important meeting, according to Law newspaper on May 4, 2014, they also had to ask Minister Bui Quang Vinh (at that time, he was a member of the party’s Central Committee and Minister of Planning and Investment), and he answered: “We keep on researching that model (the socialist market economic institution) but we can’t find it forever? How can we find the thing that could not exist?”

As for General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, according to Thanh Nien newspaper October 24, 2013, also said: “By the end of this century, there will not be complete socialism in Vietnam.” So how could ordinary people see the reasoning system of the Propaganda Department?

Mr. Nguyen Vu Binh (former editor of the Communist Review): No one currently answers the question “What is a socialist-oriented market economy” and specific criteria on the concept of Master Socialism? what does it mean?

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Vietnam Press Museum, Hanoi, 2020

Dr. Nguyen Quang A: The role of propaganda is extremely important to the party and not that it does not result in fascinating many people, it protects the ideological foundation of the party, contributes to the unification in the party but it is just “communication,” not scientific reasoning at all.

I call the propaganda team “the conscience police” more dangerous than the police, because the police often provide services to the society, whereas the conscience police destroy people’s thinking, make the whole nation’s willpower and its impact on the people very profound.

Former Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Nguyen Binh: It is really difficult to distinguish between developments in the way of moral decline in lifestyle and the ideological changes of other opinion people with the formal reasoning system.

The concept “hostile forces” is popularly used by Propaganda agencies but also very vague. The US or China? Now the Vietnamese state has let the mainstream press call both the US and China friends, so who is the enemy? Our people also do not understand!

Mr. Nguyen Vu Binh: If before the international integration, before the global Internet system and especially the social network appeared, the propaganda can help the communist party and the state hide the nature of the regime. After integration, after the Internet system appeared, and especially social networks developed, the propaganda went bankruptcy completely, no longer has a role and position.

The reason is that the truths are exposed, the exchange of ideas helps many people understand more and understand the nature of the regime. Propaganda now has only the task of supporting and justifying the wrongs and the bad of the regime to be exposed.

How is the future?

Also at the event on Wednesday, the leader of the Vietnam Propaganda machine summarized the presentations saying that “the mission of the propaganda machine in the coming time is to continue to promote the practical review, theoretical research,” further clarifying the theory of socialism and the path to socialism in our country.”

When asked to compare the above judgment with the reality and development trend of Vietnam’s political and social life, observers commented to the BBC about the role, prospects and the industry’s future in a country with around 97 million people, activists said:

Dr. Nguyen Quang A: In my view, the so-called socialism pursued by the party has been thrown into a historic waste basket.

For 30 years, the party has been advocating the construction of authoritarian capitalism, led by the communists.

If that “practice” turns into reasoning and leaves out the authoritarianism, it is a good way. In other words, if they follow the “socialism” of International II, that is, according to the socialist ideologies of the left or Northern Europe, it is a step forward, but that opportunity is fragile.

And if they learn the Chinese way of Xi Jinping (or propaganda boss Wang Zhenning), that is authoritarian capitalism with the Communist Party of Vietnam trying to cling to power and suppress dissenting voices, then it is disastrous for nation.

Former Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Nguyen Binh: The practice shows that the institutions that are thought to be the pillars of the socialist economy such as state-owned enterprises and cooperatives suffer most losses, typically 12 enterprises that are mainstream newspapers. has reported, and the Cat Linh-Ha Dong elevated railway project is tragic, losing no way to solve (also the official newspaper said).

So clearly: one-sided practice, one-sided argument. When will that be clear?

Mr. Nguyen Vu Binh: If the content is right and valuable, then after 30 years of innovation, the propaganda machine, even though it is composed of the most debated and doubtful people about the ability to think, intellect, think, has summarizing the theory and the value of the work, but not now continue to summarize the reality to further clarify the theory of socialism and the path to socialism.

Comparing with the development reality of Vietnamese political and social life and the medium and long-term movement trend, propaganda in my opinion is a completely worthless activities, even anchoring society.

It is just a collection of people the regime needs to help the party rule the people. (Translated)