Former Health Minister Nguyen Quoc Trieu is about to die from strange disease

August 5, 2024

Nearly 3 months ago, published a leaked internal news with the title “Nguyen Quoc Trieu is infected with a strange virus like late State President Tran Dai Quang.”

Late State President Tran Dai Quang and medical doctor Nguyen Quoc Trieu

An internal source said that Nguyen Quoc Trieu – former Head of the Central Committee for the Protection and Health Care of Officials – had to be hospitalized at Bach Mai Hospital with symptoms of prolonged fever of unknown cause, high white blood cell count, fatigue, etc.

When Quang passed away in September 2018, Vnexpress quoted Trieu as saying that the State President was diagnosed with the disease in July 2017 and went to Japan for treatment. From then until his death, he had undergone 6 treatments in Japan. Medical doctors diagnosed him with a rare and toxic virus. There is no medicine in the world to completely cure this disease, it can only be stopped and delayed for a while.

According to internal sources, Trieu was infected with a “strange virus” similar to the virus that caused the death of Quang.

(End of quote)

Recently, internal sources added the following:

After a long time of taking care of the health of State President Tran Dai Quang, Secretary of Da Nang Nguyen Ba Thanh, Deputy Prime Minister Le Van Thanh and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, Trieu was infected with a “rare and toxic virus.” Currently, his health is in the final stage of his life.

Trieu’s family said that many blood tests and biopsies failed to detect the cause of the disease.

His symptoms are similar to those of late State President Quang and late Secretary of Da Nang Thanh: a shrunken body and enlarged throat, and idiopathic red blood cell wasting. All bone marrow transplants failed.

After the mysterious deaths of Thanh and Quang, some suspected that there was a hand of then Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc’s forces with the significant support of China’s intelligence. And the expenses for this deal are said to have involved businessman Than Duc Nam and tycoon Dang Van Thanh (former chairman of Sacombank).

Similarly, there are doubts about the deaths of Deputy PM Le Van Thanh and General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong, and it is believed that only Phuc knows who is behind this deal. Phuc and his wife Tran Thi Nguyet Thu are said to have whispered many times: “To Lam and the police team took action to ‘kill’ Trong.”

However, all of the above suspicions have no evidence.

Even the case of Trieu being infected with a rare and toxic virus is suspicious, because he is the one who holds the strange medical records of the mysterious deaths. Who is behind the plot against Trieu?

Currently, the police faction is the most powerful and influential force. With the ambition for power and the love of money, they can do anything, even destroy millions of Vietnamese people to ensure their personal interests.

All of the suspicious deaths mentioned above happened under the tenure of Trong as General Secretary, and To Lam as Minister of Public Security (except for the death of Thanh).

There is a remarkable connection between Trieu and Trong.

Trieu was introduced by Trong and elected as Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee in April 2004, when Trong was the Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee.

In 2006, Trong was elected Chairman of the National Assembly, and only 1 year later, in 2007, Trieu was elected as Minister of Health, even though his term as Chairman of the Hanoi People’s Committee still had 2 years left.

In 2011, Trong was elected General Secretary, which was also the time when Trieu was appointed Head of the Central Committee for Protection and Health Care of Cadres. That is, when high-ranking Party cadres went for medical examination and treatment, what medicine they took, what treatment regimen they had, and what their health condition was, Trieu knew all about it.

Before retiring (June 2019), Trieu personally treated and took care of the health of General Secretary Trong right after he suffered a stroke in April 2019.

Internal news