Xi Jinping visits Hanoi to tighten control over Vietnam’s leaders?

On October 6, an international news agency said “Vietnam and China are preparing for Mr. Xi Jinping’s visit to Hanoi next month.” This is not surprising information, because before US President Joe Biden’s visit to Vietnam, there were speculations about…
$3.5M bribery scandal in Vietnam’s Oil and Gas industry

The October 5 news of the Voice of America (VOA) said, “US Department of Justice: Albemarle spends $3.5 million for lubrication in Vietnam; pays 6.5% commission.” According to documents from the US Department of Justice, thanks to the brokerage of…
Alarming waste and budget burden on public cars in Vietnam

In Vietnam, every year, the budget has to spend hundreds of thousands of billions of dong on operating public cars. This is a burden while the public debt situation is at an alarming level. Furthermore, state budget expenditures for social…
BBC Tiếng Việt sẽ về đâu sau khi rời London

Với mốc thời gian đóng cửa (Văn phòng Ban biên tập) BBC Tiếng Việt ở London, 15/11/2023, đang tới gần, câu hỏi đặt ra là BBC Tiếng Việt sẽ đi về đâu. Câu trả lời đơn giản là (Văn phòng…
Nguyen Bac Truyen auf dem Weg nach Deutschland

Auf Vermittlung der deutschen Bundesregierung ist der vietnamesische Menschenrechtler Nguyen Bac Truyen am Freitag in Vietnam aus der Haft entlassen worden. Er soll noch am späten Freitag abend gemeinsam mit seiner Frau in Deutschland landen. Ein Sprecher des Auswärtigen Amtes…