To Lam and 162,000 hectares of “golden” land owned by China

“Chinese people own more than 162,000 hectares of border and coastal land through establishing joint ventures and investing money for Vietnamese to buy land. This is the information given by the Ministry of Defense in the electoral questionnaire sent to…
South China Sea: Vietnam is preparing to sue China

Vietnam is said to be preparing a case in an international arbitration court against China’s unjustified claim in the East Sea (South China Sea- SCS). The time is now considered to ripen for a historic Vietnamese lawsuit as China increasingly…
South China Sea: US enters – China angers

The emergence of US strategic warships, destroyers, and bombers in the East Sea (South China Sea) in recent weeks has shown the strong commitment of the US regarding security in the Asia Pacific, making China angry. Hoang Ngoc Giao, director…
Vietnam- “chess game” of the great powers

As many as 45 years after the fall of Saigon, the characters who played roles in the period leading to this historical event became more and more sparse … Among the remaining rare historical witnesses, there was Mr. Hoang Duc…