Vietnamese-American lawmakers condemn attack on Asian discrimination

Vietnamese-American lawmakers have simultaneously condemned the attack against Asians in Atlanta and called on the US government to take strong measures to tackle the Asian-American stigma that has existed for many years. “We need to hold all Americans accountable for…
Vietnam coal power industry under pressure of climate change

In the trend of the world to step up the fight against climate change, many international corporations are withdrawing from coal power plant projects, which are considered to cause a lot of pollution and increase gas emissions. Vietnam’s coal power…
Việt Nam tiết lộ danh tính ‘tam trụ’ như dự báo

Link Video: Hôm 18/3, Mặt trận Tổ quốc Việt Nam tổ chức hội nghị hiệp thương lần thứ hai để lập danh sách sơ bộ cho người của các cơ quan trung ương ứng cử Đại biểu Quốc hội…